Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rest in Peace Good and Faithful Servant

Today we are celebrating Dad's long and loving life with a service at the Methodist Church for anyone in the community who wishes to participate. Yesterday the family experienced a tender moment when the Military Honor Guard recognized Dad's faithful service to this country in WWII by playing Taps, displaying the flag, and then folding it and presenting it to my brother. The slow-motion salute was a powerful symbol of respect, one that had a more profound impact on me than I expected. Actually, I did not know what to expect.

My brother, sister and I placed Dad's ashes next to Mom's in their niche. The finality of this simple act is also profound, as if to say, "This chapter of your life is over." The notion of closure may be elusive to some, but as I saw their matching oak boxes side by side, I felt they were once again complete. And for that, I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. What a fitting tribute to your dad, Don. Our condolences for your loss; may your happy memories bring you joy even as your heart grieves.
