Saturday, December 20, 2008

Blessing of the Animals

Roman Excelling at Relaxing

Sunrise At the Overlook, Paso Nogal Dog Park

On October 5, we attended our first Blessing of the Animals and commemoration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. I have enjoyed being in the company of dogs all my life, but I had never participated in a blessing ceremony before even though I know dogs are creatures of Spirit. So Roman, Dennis and I drove over to the beautiful garden chapel at noon. While any "pet" or animal is welcome, it turned out that only dogs and their human companions showed up.

A delightful variety of dogs attended: Trudi, an elderly Rottweiler with a sweet disposition, a beagle who could only follow his nose, a beautiful chocolate lab just full of energy, a King Charles Spaniel who was very affectionate, and other breeds with no two alike. While I was greeting the other dogs, Roman who is very fond of children managed to herd them into a small cluster in the center of the clearing. They giggled and laughed as he wagged his tail, circling them to keep the pack together.

When the priests began the service, the humans and dogs all sat in a circle. Roman tends to be very casual and comfortable among people, so he chose to lie on his back with one paw extended to the blue sky above him. Normally this invokes a belly rub; however, in this case, he was content just to be peaceful between Dennis and me. All the other dogs sat obediently, awaiting their gentle sprinkle of blessed water delivered with a branch. The Lab was the only dog who wanted seconds on the water.

The blessing which we all read aloud had some profoundly beautiful language:

O Supreme Spirit of Creation

from your sacred breath came forth

birds and beasts, fish and fowl,

creatures of such variety and beauty

that we are continually amazed at Your divine imagination.

These children of yours

have been blessed by You, their Creator

with simplicity, beauty, and a cosmic purpose.

...May we now bless these animals

by taking delight in their beauty and naturalness.

May we bless these animals with a Noah-like protection

from all that might harm them.

May we, like Adam and Eve,

speak to these creatures of Yours

with kindness and affection,

reverencing their lives and purpose

in our communal creation.

May we never treat them as dumb animals,

but rather let us seek to learn their secret language

and to be students of all the secrets that they know.

May your abundant blessing rest upon these creatures

who are our companion in the journey of life. Amen.

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