Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Normally, I am an "early adopter" of technology and certain trends. For reasons I don't yet fully understand, I was not interested in having my own blog...until now. Recent events in my life have been complex, common and profound all at once, requiring some thinking aloud time. Perhaps this blog will help me sort things out in a loving and meaningful way. Perhaps some of my travels and experiences will be of interest to like-minded nomads. And maybe in due course I will offer something of inspiration to others. And that is as it should be.

A Dedication wouldn't be one without accolades to those special people in my life who give so much of themselves. Here is the short list:

Thanks to Molly for inspiring me to begin, to Adrienne for encouragement with piano duets and family, to Joy for keeping me young, to Sue for her living example of grace, to Troy and John for having the courage of their convictions, to Wendy and Maryann for trusted counsel and humor, to Carol and Rachel for their generosity of spirit, to Penny and Annlee for believing, to Gemma for her unconditional and lifelong friendship, to Deborah with whom I can laugh about life while cherishing it, to those who call themselves my friends and family, and most of all to Dennis for being my heart's desire.