Sunday, March 14, 2010

Poppies by the Bay

Sunday afternoon provided a warm, calm day which made the hills come alive with vigorous blooms. I noticed the poppies are abundant this year, especially after the so-called "normal" rainfall we have enjoyed for the past several weeks. I rode the Shiver up Reliez Valley toward Pacheco, then turned toward Orinda which takes one along the Bear Valley Road. This road is frequented by bicyclists and motorcycles, and everyone shares the road to play nicely. I noticed the poppies (above) along the berms by the bike lane and I could not resist stopping.

After reaching the San Pablo Reservoir, I turned south toward Orinda, taking the Fish Ranch Road top of Grizzly Peak. Many magnificent views are offered from this road on the ridge. The flat light of afternoon and the sun's glare on the Bay made the entire City a surreal monochrome. What a stark contrast to the green hills and blossoms just a few miles away.

My last discovery was a splendid off-leash dog park near the Caldecott tunnel. Apparently, the "Old Tunnel Road" has been converted into a Park where one can walk man's best friend off leash. Roman and I will have to return and investigate further.